Ebike motor vibrating

Ajlal ahmed

Finding my (electric) wheels
Dec 20, 2024
E-bike motor make noise and jerks ? Some time work good .I putt lubricant SVITOL (italy made). Is it right lubricant to putt in connector of main electric wire of motor to controller? in this all there is no error coming on dispaly like Error 7 etc?but why motor is vibrating and making too much noise? And also there is no error on dispay? Is this only the my fault that i putt lubricant? I attached picture of lubricant. But I don’t know why this problem comming.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
E-bike motor make noise and jerks ? Some time work good .I putt lubricant SVITOL (italy made). Is it right lubricant to putt in connector of main electric wire of motor to controller? in this all there is no error coming on dispaly like Error 7 etc?but why motor is vibrating and making too much noise? And also there is no error on dispay? Is this only the my fault that i putt lubricant? I attached picture of lubricant. But I don’t know why this problem comming.
Have a look at the wires coming out of your controller to see if the connector has melted. The vibration and jerking is a commutation problem. It can be caused by a bad connection, damage to the motor cable (check it where it comes out of the motor and anywhere where something can rub on it), or it can be a faulty MOSFET inside the controller.

Most lubricants are OK except those that have graphite in them. The best one for connectors is silicone grease. SVITOL is a paraffin-aluminium oil. Maybe the aluminium is a problem. Use petrol/gasoline to clean it off and try something else if you think it caused your motor problem.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
This kind of vibration will convince that it has a mechanical cause. But, as Saneagle says, it is almost certainly electrical. I know, I've been there. I ignored Saneagle until I had tried everything else - then I listened and cured it when I found a melted connection.
The motor has 3 phase connections going to it. If one of them has become resistive (corrosion or loose connector etc.) it will be showing heat damage. Discolouration or signs of melted insulation. Could be at the controller end (bullet connectors often the culprit) or at the motor end.
Look again with newly informed eyes.