Recent content by Waspy

  1. Waspy

    Comfort on long rides

    I like your thinking. I suppose I will now be browsing Gumtree for 27.5" bikes (which I won't buy of course).
  2. Waspy

    Comfort on long rides

    Good point, I forgot about the stem. Some are long and flat pushing the handlebar even further out. Mine (made by UNO) has a 35 degree upward tilt. Loads of different sizes/angles on AliExpress.
  3. Waspy

    Comfort on long rides

    I agree with the others. It's all about the handlebars. If the longer wheelbase bike is more uncomfortable then you are stretching out further probably to flat, straight handlebars, so more of your weight is falling on your wrists. Pullback bars will shorten that stretch. Tyre pressures are...
  4. Waspy

    More Seizures

    Ooh, Air Fryer chat! I got one recently, Ninja Twin drawer 7.6 litre, 2400 watts I love it and use it every day. Everything seems to take 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Youtube is full of videos of people cooking stuff you thought wouldn't work, like toast and boiled eggs! Talking of pizza, here...
  5. Waspy

    conversion fitter near Bristol

    Pretty awesome, I would bite his hand off.
  6. Waspy

    Uk Ebike manufacturers

    My examiner jumped out between two parked cars and waved his clipboard at me. He did not actually get directly in front of the bike. I remember I went directly from the test centre to the nearest motorbike shop and traded in my 250 for a 500. I think the end of all these lax motorcycle laws...
  7. Waspy

    conversion fitter near Bristol

    How about a rear rack battery to balance the weight a bit? I admit there is a certain charm in converting a classic bike, but the bit I can't get past is the brakes. I won't bother to go into all the brake arguments again here but I am not a fan of old fashioned brakes. I think if that was my...
  8. Waspy

    Uk Ebike manufacturers

    Yeah, so when I say, "I wish I had it now" what I really mean is, "Stuff that for a game of soldiers." I could not ride a motorbike in winter now, although I used to, daily, until my mid-forties. I believe all CB250s were sleeved down from 350 for the UK market.
  9. Waspy

    Uk Ebike manufacturers

    Nice one. I think that RE350 will be a million times easier to live with than a 1961 B40...bullet dodged IMHO
  10. Waspy

    Uk Ebike manufacturers

    One could ride an outfit (any size engine) on a provisional licence, you did not need any passengers. I had a go on a mate's BSA A10 outfit once, I did not enjoy it. When I was 17, I walked into the Swindon Motor Co. with a deposit and rode out on a gold Honda CB250K4. It had a top speed of...
  11. Waspy

    Need New Front Wheel with Motor

    The answer's simple then. You need promoting from Esteemed Pedelecer to Chief Pedelecer so you can have the authority to be more 'persuasive' in getting forum members to do what they're bloody well told! :D
  12. Waspy

    Need New Front Wheel with Motor

    Is there no chance you could pull the connector apart and post a couple of pictures? I mean the connector Peter showed a picture of in post #6?
  13. Waspy

    29er MXUS XF07 wheel build, good idea, bad idea?

    That white circular packing material around both ends of the axle is a very good idea. Where did you get it? Or did you just cut up some large chunks of polystyrene?
  14. Waspy

    TONIGHT 9pm: - E-Bikes: The Battle for Our Streets - Panorama

    I started to watch this and about 2 minutes in Mr. Chiles appears on screen and he's having his first ride on an E-Bike. His opening comment was, "These are an absolute doddle to ride, it's just a cheat." I turned it off.