Recent content by Old1Eye

  1. Old1Eye

    Bosch CX seems to be flawed?

    Mine is only used for commuting, failure within the first 50km.
  2. Old1Eye

    Bosch CX seems to be flawed?

    W Well wheels i rebuild the bearings myself every few months or 600km ish. I have a hard tail specifically for reliability reasons and motor should be protected from mud and water.
  3. Old1Eye

    Bosch CX seems to be flawed?

    I wonder if its possible to upgrade the bearings to get longer life between replacements? Or if its a specific bearing?
  4. Old1Eye

    What Bosch motor for commuting?

    Ihad a 250w rear hub mtb for commuting, but it failed, i then had a shimano steps road bike as a replacement. Traded the shimano in for a Bosch powered mtb, didnt like the shimano bike. Lovely motor but crap bike. I have had to send the bosch back within 100km as the motor needs replacing...
  5. Old1Eye

    Bosch CX seems to be flawed?

    I have the Bosch performance line cruise motor, within 50km from new i had the motor bearing start to fail. I have now done 450km on the same motor due to Bosch and the bike dealer taking so long communicating. It went in today, and they have to send the motor to Bosch and wait for the new...
  6. Old1Eye

    Bosch frames

    Is it possible to get a Bosch performance line bike frame? Google reveals nothing for me. I would like to swap to a full sus frame
  7. Old1Eye

    Spiked tyres

    Opinions! Spiked tyres. - Buy a set, 100e. - Make a set from screw in studs 50e. - Make a set from normal screws from inside to out of tyres 20e. What would people choose? Money is a little tight as always lol.
  8. Old1Eye

    Skidding on leaves

    Here in north finland, we have upto 8 months of deep snow and ice, and when i say ice, oh boy is it ice! Imagen the road, pavement and everything inbetween, a giant ridged ice sheet about 5cm thick! Locals keep telling me to get spiked tyres. After 4 years, i still dont have any. Only come...
  9. Old1Eye

    Bosch motor numbers

    Cheers for that! Have given the bike shop the code now, they said they would ask about an upgrade for the inconvenience too . But not holding my breath LOL!
  10. Old1Eye

    Bosch motor numbers

    They are asking for the motor number to send a new motor. Then the dealer will send the old one once its been swapped over
  11. Old1Eye

    Bosch motor numbers

    My Bosch motor (performance lince cruise) failed within 50km. Bosch are asking for the motor number in order to replace it. Would i be able to give them a cx motor number instead?
  12. Old1Eye

    I'm having trouble with Raleigh...

    Continue to hound the seller, as it is their job to rectify the problem as the supplier of your bike. You wont have much luck dealing with a manufacturer, as you yourself are not a dealer or supplier of their products. If the retailer is unable to remedy the situation and fix your bike...
  13. Old1Eye

    Just added mud guards...

    it drains out of the back, as it slops backwards and open at the rear/bottom. Its mainly to stop the grit and gravel, as the grit heavily here due to 8 months of snow.
  14. Old1Eye

    Just added mud guards...

    I add extras to mine lol
  15. Old1Eye

    Brake pads.

    My first ebike, before it failed, i had done near 800km and the pads looked almost new still. Cabled tektro aquila discs.