Recent content by MattHall

  1. M

    New Gtech ebike

    My mistake about the time travel, I confused two posts, sorry. Re the mass and charge, I said it would be my last post WRT FLT.
  2. M

    New Gtech ebike

    This will be my last comment. I think your being slightly disengenous, when a comment that FTL is possible and so is time travel. In a statement with no qualification it's sounds as if one is implying it's common knowledge and we are close to creating a method of travel in both space and time...
  3. M

    New Gtech ebike

    I the LHC had observed faster than light travel it would be front page news. And if the jury is still out, then it ain't been proved and is just conjecture. And when they thought they'd observed neutrinos exceeding the speed of light ( down to a loose connection ) Brian Cox said he'd eat his hat...
  4. M

    New Gtech ebike

    You can't just say it? As somebody cleverer than me said 'yout entitled to your opinions but not your facts' Any peer reviewed papers that substantiate your claims? The word of physics is itching to know and your Nobel prize is on its way! Matt
  5. M

    New Gtech ebike

    I'd hate my first post to be inflammatory ( as I am trying to find info on the G-tech and some Haibikes ) but faster than light travel has not been proved and time travel is only possible relative to your speed of travel ( or gravity) where, for example a clock sent into space would return out...