To the Original Poster, how many miles has your conversion covered and why no panniers?
My Bafang conversion has done three winters and 6000 miles. No issues with the motor but I have noticed the battery is slightly less efficient.
That's normal as both my bbs motors do the same when battery is nearing empty, it's a more noticeable way to alert you to a low battery than relying on the display.
This is my third winter on a Bafang mid drive conversion, my commute is only 4 miles one way but if it's raining then I can be home 10 minutes after I clock out.
Chain wear was an issue but I now use a single speed chain rather than 7 speed.
Six months and 1100 miles and the Sturmy 3 speed is still performing perfectly.
I can also say that single speed chains are a lot more durable than 7 speed.
Has anyone come across these hydraulic brake levers before?
They are 3 pin and sold as suitable for my bbs01b Bafang system. Do I need to use the white cable or is it just an extension lead?
New or second hand?
My old bike sounds like just the thing you are looking for, it's a bargain at £500.
I wouldn't say I love my dog, not in the same way as I love my Mrs. or Daughter but I am very fond of her, and I would rather spend time in her company than a lot of the people I meet...