Recent content by AntonyC

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    Comfort on long rides

    The reach from saddle to bars also varies a bit with handlebar width. A quick test is to do a press up into a plank with straight arms and shuffle your hands into the most comfortable spacing.
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    Woosh Gran Camino

    The times I notice the weight of my GC are when lifting it through a doorway and at unexpected stops, so not that often, and if the throttle hadn't given up the latter wouldn't be an issue - once on the move you wouldn't know. I rode a large motorbike so I'm in the habit of straddling a bike...
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    Torque Arms.

    But no harder than the axle itself! (can't recall where I saw this)
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    Cheaper China e-bikes 'kick in teeth' for UK firms

    Interesting... Do you anticipate that prices remaining depressed will in the long term help sales pick up and snowball at last?
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    Battery Fires

    Overcharging ought not to be an issue, a full function BMS protects against it whether due to over-voltage, over-current or over-temperature. Sadly your advice is still good advice because of the under- and un-protected batteries both in circulation and still available. But it's worth...
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    Ebike News

    > You can get 60aH 72v LifePO4 batteries for about £350 Would love to know which buttons you're pressing, on that link I'm seeing £718 delivered, presumably novice pricing!
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    Ebike News

    Sadly no pic of that bollard but some are out to get you especially when it's busy:
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    New Wisper Tailwind 806 Launches on Tuesday

    Will an etrike do?
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    Cheaper China e-bikes 'kick in teeth' for UK firms

    > "We have seen large scale operations to tackle the likes of fake clothing and we are pushing for the same dedicated operation to be rolled out to tackle problematic electrical goods which pose a risk to life." < The recent WMG report lists a lot of regulations and 6 years have gone by since...
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    Battery Fires

    "E-bikes are about the best and safest form of simple, non polluting cheap transports." Amen to that.... and all of it will be swept away if the Li-Ion Battery Safety Bill gets into law. A modern BMS protects against over-current and over-voltage: over-charging occurs when the BMS isn't up to...
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    Battery Fires

    It's still a big concern that the most digestible outcome doesn't point out the most pressing problem even if it's outside their remit. Their recommendations have to cope with the legacy situation so it's on the table. I'm glad audible alarms are in but directed venting doesn't seem to be. As...
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    Battery Fires

    I've only skimmed the executive summary but its concluding remarks include: "WMG believes that the unacceptably high level of PLEV fires can be reduced over time. There is, however, no quick fix, due to the large number of products already in the hands of consumers", and the section on...
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    £245 Argos Folder Improvements - complete story

    A max speed of 15.5mph --> The power stops when you reach 15.5mph ? We don't want to sow confusion like leaving out 'rated' has. @Ghost1951: Careful, don't make seizing your bike any more attractive ;)
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    Bosch power pack 400. Charging Socket

    I'm sorry for your loss of someone so kind. On the forum on rare occasions questions like that do get asked, with good intentions.
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    Bosch power pack 400. Charging Socket

    Slower charging is safer. It's a 2018 bike so the battery could be well used, if it has 70% capacity the charge rate is effectively 40% higher than before. Hopefully you asked some pretty searching questions about why there wasn't a charger with it.