The Giant Lafree and Twist Story


Oct 25, 2006
I've put answers and model information on various Lafree and Twist variants in several threads recently, so thought it might be better to have a dedicated webpage giving illustrations and details of the series and variants in the UK, Europe and the USA.

Starting with the 39 kilo one chased by dinosaurs, and at present finishing with next year's model, eventually it might have a 9 kilo one that's standard on intergalactic missions. :cool:

I've deleted a picture entry elsewhere in this site as this new webpage makes it redundant. Here's the link to The Giant Lafree and Twist Story.
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Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
Excellent summary there Flecc, sounds like Giant were perhaps a little ahead of their time with the Lafree Twist. Sounds familiar..anyone remember Tivo!


Oct 25, 2006
Yes. I remember Tivo. I think this instability is true of all developing product markets. The early decades of the car saw an immense number of would be manufacturers, but they steadily fell away to the tiny number of giant companies we have today.


Dec 5, 2006
Hello, I’m writing from Italy. I own a Giant Twist Comfort Gts and I find very interesting your pages about this bicycle.

Is the Twist completely out of stock in the UK now? I see that in France, where I bought my one, they are still selling some (and at a better price than in UK and in Italy!).

I noticed as well that in the UK there is very little or no talking about the Swiss “Flyer” bicycles, which after the death of the Giant Twist are may be the best crank drive pedelecs available (see May be the reason is they are outrageously expensive, or what?


Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
Hi Leonardo,

welcome to the forum and making the 1,000th post !

Yes the Twist is no longer sold in the UK. A few pop on eBay from time to time although they are obviously second-hand and usually fetch a good price.

Could you tell us who in France is still selling them? I'm sure there are a couple of people here who would love to know.

Is this the Swiss Flyer you are referring to: Encycleopedia : Product Detail

It looks very striking. I haven't seen it advertised in the UK though.



Oct 25, 2006
Apart from the cost, the legal position is a problem in Britain. Although when one European country introduces a regulation as in Germany, all member countries can in theory benefit, there are complications.

First there's the insurance and helmet requirements. No insurance companies are offering insurance on these as far as I know, and it would be difficult to persuade one to do it. Britain takes a tough line on helmets, for example it's the only country in the EU insisting on motor cycle helmets with a BMW C2 moped, which was specifically designed to obviate the need for a helmet. I've no doubt they'd equally require them in this case.

Then there's the fact that the old English law on electric bikes is still in force, so a prosecution could be brought under that. We also have other unique situations here, as in the Sustrans cycle path network, the use of those with the high speed versions would have to be legislated, either for or against.

It would need a brave person to pioneer an introduction of the Swizzbee, and think it could only succeed if a company did the groundwork first.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 4, 2006
I had a lengthy correspondence with the DfT on the 'conflicting' requirements of the Low Powered Moped category.... Viz - the need for working pedals and the need to wear an approved motorcycle helmet:rolleyes: All this for a 'vehicle' which is still restricted to a top speed of 25 Km/h.....

The lack of imagination makes you want to weep.....
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Dec 5, 2006
"Could you tell us who in France is still selling them?"

I bought mine at Vélo Electro in paris, very good, but I think there are more sellers like Velocito... giant france has it in stock no more but some dealers do manage to find it

"Is this the Swiss Flyer you are referring to: Encycleopedia : Product Detail"

no, I'm referring to the C and T series - the C one seems me like an improved lafree

I've seen flyer in the sellers list in A to B price guide, but I've noticed that this brand hasn't been rewieved (like an other luxurious pedelec: the koga tesla, which uses the sparta-ion technology with a hub engine - may be not perfect for hill climbing)

@flecc: I think there shoudn't be legal problems with the Flyer range, but I understand there are big problems with the Swizzbee (in Italy it is the same): the Swiss "Biketch Flyer" and the "Swizzbee" are however two different brands, and as far as I know there is no connection between them (apart from the cost!)
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Oct 25, 2006
Thanks for the information Leonardo, seen now on the new link you provided that's clearly a very different bike, and as you say, shouldn't cause any problems here. The price makes it a hopeless proposition for the UK market though. There's widespread unrealistic expectations from much of the public due to the availability of low grade Chinese bikes, unassisted as low as £49 and power assisted at under £300. This makes sales of electrics around £1000 or more very difficult, so the likely imported price of those bikes would rule them out.