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  1. S

    e bike conversion kits newbie

    Hi All Anyone got any experience of EM3EV they seem to have some good kit, I like their triangle battery pack and bag which makes a lot of sense rather than rear mounted. Would a 48v 20ah shrink wrap from BMS fit in the Em3ev or Falcon triangle bag by any chance as they have only 16 amp...
  2. S

    will i make it!

    Hi all, I have just bought a 500w bafang with a 48v 15ah high C rate li-on battery, my journey is 15 miles each way and i can charge at work, there are a few big hills each way but i will be pedaling with the motor. Having no experience of any of this I would just like to know if...
  3. S

    Help please.

  4. S

    Big or small

    Hi All, I've gone from wanting a super duper 3000W motor that can take me 15 miles of commuting in 30 minutes to considering a 250W or 500W motor with a big enough battery to get me there and possibly back but i can charge at work no problem. At first i was amazed at the claims of 45, 50...
  5. S

    hi all

    hello all. totally new to all this electric stuff. i am a keen cyclist but at 51 i struggle to do a 15 mile each way commute and work all day in between. i also have a steep hill to get up each way i went to my local e bike shop and had a look but nothing was very appealing under 2 grand...